Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Rose in a Trash Heap, Day 3

Day 3 at Imani: It is honestly harder to say whether yesterday or today was harder. In one sense I was "slightly" more prepared because I remember what we did yesterday and yet it was because of yesterday that my back, arms and chest (basically everything above my waist) were SO SORE that doing it again today made it that many times more painful and strenuous. It's practically a tie. On the positive side because of yesterdays experiences I had remembered which babies to avoid, lol. For example, one particular baby name Christian (our largest baby in our age group) eats like a small horse AND whatever he eats has to go SOMEWHERE. Because of this simple biological truth I now know to avoid him at changing time, lol. At one time today I looked over at Shiro, the girl changing him, and when she unwrapped his nappy I just about lost my breakfast. It was like someone had wrapped a hand-grenade labeled poop inside his outfit and ran for dear life! Let's just say it was further encouragement to always be "busy" with another baby at changing time. I enjoyed getting more familiar with the other workers in my room. They were all very kind and helpful people. I am learning so much from being around them. And not being too far from my age made our conversations much easier. As for Loveen (the girl described in the previous post) I must continue to be careful; she is TOO KIND and TOO HELPFUL. All around it was yet another amazing day filled with strenuous work that glorified our Lord.

We got back to Imani B and shared the numerous stories of our adventures. It was a nice change from last night when we got into a sizable disagreement in which Nathan vented his plethora of issues and problems with me. Unfortunately in my flesh I completely compromised and retaliated; trying to defend myself and bring the argument towards the realization that he's no perfect saint either (a completely childish and selfish thing for me to do). It just went down hill from there. At one point I felt EXTREMELY convicted and knew I needed to yield. I knew in my horribly selfish and prideful flesh I COULD win--SHOULD win (once again being completely self-seeking and in the wrong)--but I knew what the Spirit was whispering to me in the quiet of my heart and with all the strength I could muster I did my best to be obedient, shut up, and take it. That night (the prior night) I begged to be humbled and be made more into the image of Christ (being disgustingly far from it). I got on my knees and begged for forgiveness and mercy knowing I didn't deserve it. The next day (today) it was on my mind continually to be a servant and to esteem others (specifically Nathan) better than myself. Something I needed to ask God for help throughout the entire day. When we got home I did my devotions and checked my verse for today from a stack of verses I received as a gift for the trip (you know who you are and I couldn't thank you enough!) and my verse for that day was Daniel 10:12, "Then he said to me, 'Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, you words were heard; and I have come because of your words.'" I read that verse and my jaw dropped! I could not believe the timing! I instantly dropped my face into my hands and thanked God for the encouragement, and begged Him that, like Daniel, this verse could be personally applicable to me too! "Oh Father, please let this be for me too. Please send me help!" Thankfully Nathan was in the shower and so I was secluded in my room and enjoyed a deep time of humbling prayer with our Lord. I arose that much more in love with our King, knowing for certain, that at the VERY LEAST He was hearing me, and was inclining His ear to my plea. That night was THE BEST night I had all trip beyond a shadow of a doubt. A night spent with my Abba. God is doing a work in me, I know it, and I couldn't be happier. Less of me, more of you oh God. Desperately do I need this. And I draw comfort oh Lord, in Your promise that "the work you have begun, you shall finish." : )

1 comment:

  1. Rainier
    Both you and Nathan are doing God's work. I know you are both emotionally and physically tired. I also know,that you two are up to the challenge and will come evan closer, lifelong friends. God bless and keep you!
