Friday, June 4, 2010

The Countdown Begins

As cliche as it is to say, "Time flies when you're having fun" I can't help but recognize it's daunting truth. It seems like just yesterday Nathan and I had arrived here in this foreign land with nearly no idea what to expect, having only a couple bags, fears, worries, and doubts as companions. Now, looking back on all that our Lord has done and taught us, I can scarcely believe I am that same person who arrived just a couple of months ago... I still remember Nathan avoiding all forms of meat like a plague, the notorious Meat Injecting Butt Fly that scarred our minds, the relentless attack of mosquitoes our second night, our fear of straying far from Pastor Robbie, or making eye contact with the wrong guy at the wrong time, and SO MUCH MORE. And yet here were are. We survived. Two whole months have passed and our Heavenly Father sustained us in and through every obstacle. As we draw closer to our departure, it seems nearly every night we talk of our excitement to see all of our friends, family, and loved ones yet again. As well as muse upon our mutual recognition of the bitter taste leaving our new families behind us. We will soon leave the protection of our surrogate fathers and mothers, to be again embraced by our wonderful parents we miss so dearly. The countdown has truly begun, 6 days left starting tomorrow, and then the real missions trip begins. Then our chance to be tested and tried in all we have learned out here in Africa. It will be at that time we see all the more what we have genuinely applied, as well as the countless more lessons we have yet to learn and mature in. It has been said, "Christians are like tea bags. You never know what their made of until you put them in hot water." And this couldn't be more true. We prepare now to leave one pot of boiling water for the next. May our Lord Jesus be glorified and praised in all He has shown us. :)

A Precious Child

A special prayer request for Pastor Robbie and Elizabeth's 4 year old daughter, Abigail. Last night, after coming back from a day of fun with her dad, Abby showed signs of fever and loss of appetite. She was uncharacteristically quiet at the dinner table and we all noticed "something" was up. She was put to bed without much resistance on her part (yet another strange anomaly) and as the night wore on some of us thought nothing more of it. The next day Robbie woke us up to ask for our prayer and support in that Abby "may" have Malaria. Apparently she got little to no sleep that night, and when she awoke she was very emotional, burning up, said she was thirsty and after drinking two sips shortly after was dry-heaving for an hour. The poor thing was in so much discomfort. Her fever later broke and she now seems to be doing much better, but a careful watch as been placed on her to see if it returns a second night in a row. Please be in prayer for this little one's health and full recovery. May it be nothing, or quickly and miraculously healed. Amen.