Monday, April 26, 2010

Last Service

Church in a Car

Tearing Down Church



The Body


With every single day that comes and goes it has been so amazing to see God breaking us down and molding and shaping us into the men He wants us to be. It seems the longer we our out here the more filled out our schedule is becoming, but we are still getting so much time in the Word as well as awesome devotions and conversations with Robbie.
This week has been very action packed as we have been assisting Robbie with re-locating the church. We have been doing things such as cleaning the church as well as disassembling furniture and any other odd-end jobs Robbie has for us. Oh and for the record, I am never again gonna complain about moving a box at home and finding silverfish, because the critters around It has been hard labor but it has been such a indescribable blessing to help out the church. The body here is awesome without exaggeration before church every single member of the congregation greets one another...with out the pastors prompting. Rainier and I have also been touched on just their effort and dedication as well. This past Sunday was the last service as their current facility and almost every member stayed a least a little while afterword to help with the final tear down of the church. Also a great majority of them do not have cars and rely on public transportation (which is terrible) and walking. It was an all day tiring effort--oh and towards the end of the day Rainier and I were tasked with emptying the baptismal which consisted of taking these small toy buckets and carrying the water back into the main tank. I believe we had about three solid trips back and forth before somehow I was at the bottom of the baptismal with Rainier towering over me. The church got a kick out of it and are slowly but surely starting to understand me and Rainier's humor. We have both been trying to truly do everything we do here to the best of our ability and as unto God.

This next week we are going to continue to assist Robbie with his needs and the needs of the church. We are also going to be going to Maasai land to build chicken coops and bring them chickens as well as continuing to help at the U-turn for Christ ministry. Please keep up the prayers. Lord Bless!!