Sunday, May 2, 2010

Church Relocation Project - Take 3

Yet another active day! We went to the location of the new children's ministry. It's across the street from the youth hostel that our main church service now takes place. It was an interesting place. Basically it's a small, gated neighborhood of single family dwellings turned into a business complex. One of the houses is owned by a Christian Missions Association and they offered us part of their facilities (house) as a place to have our kids service. While there Robbie introduced us to some old friends of his, as well as some new ones. We met a Christian missionary contractor named Mark based out of Colorado. He was a very friendly gentleman and actually reminded me greatly of my grandpa Dave.... Uh oh, I have to go. I will have to continue this blog another time. As a quick note, our (Nathan and my) plans have been drastically changed. We are leaving this very morning to serve at an orphanage called Imani B. Please please pray for our effectiveness out there. May we bring glory to the Father, amen.