Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Nighttime Survival

Well, it has been a week plus a few days and Nathan and I have already begun our 2 and a half month war with the insects. Robbie, the Pastor of Calvary Chapel Living Water and the brother we have been staying with has given us a pointers for surviving the night without being eaten alive. One of which involves putting the fan on high and pointing it straight on us while we sleep. The theory is that mosquitoes can't land where they can't fly. Simply enough concept... When you have power... Lol, yeah, our power went out and our once "safe haven" of comfort was gone. It must have been seconds after the fan stopped that the endless buzzing began. With the first buzz by my ear I curled into a ball under my thick, quilt-like comforter, while Nathan, who had already pre-prepared to some degree by wearing pants and a sweater to sleep, laughed at me and expressed his thankfulness for thick long sleeves. Hours go by of silence as we both try to get some sleep but to no avail. I broke free from my barrier and walked to the restroom. Upon returning Nathan greeted me with the same tone and "awakeness" as if we had only stopped talking moments prior. It was clear at that point that neither one of us was going to get much, if any, sleep that night. After becoming lethargic on my own carbon dioxide, curled up under a burning hot blanket I yelled, "Forget this!" and I sprung from my bed and amidst the plethora of mosquitoes practically dove for my flashlight. "I NEED my mosquito net!" I thought. I have never moved so desperately at 2 in the morning in all my life, lol. It took a little "Macgyver-ing" but I finally got my net up and managed to lay there in exhaustion pretty darn impressed with myself. :) What a night. One to be remembered for sure...