Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Lord's Work

I haven't even returned home yet, and I am already asked often, "Rainier! What is the Lord doing out there?!" Though I do not in any way "dislike" this question, and obviously EXPECT its coming, I often find it hard to answer. Its easy for me to sit down and express WHAT Nathan and I have done (built a chicken coop, moved a church, led worship, taught studies, ministered to children, etc...) while the bigger picture of what God is doing WITHIN us still greatly eludes me. Nathan and I have been blessed with many opportunities to share in various ways with each other what we have noticed tweaked or altered in our hearts and mental thought processes, while yet both admitting that the powerful, yet invisible movements of our Lord's handiwork is far beyond our comprehension. In a conversation this very night, we spoke of our countless hopes and dreams for our return home--more of this, less of that, none of those things--while at that time as well I felt within the depth of heart that ever-present mystery. That subtle reminder that though "a man may plan his way, the Lord leads his steps." This is both extremely encouraging and yet irking. I know in my MIND that the Lord has our lives, that He sees all that is before me, and perceives the best road and yet is it not so like the human nature to yearn after the knowledge of what is to come. Nathan wants to be a fireman, I am still searching earnestly for my path, and yet it is ULTIMATELY our Father who knows what will become of our lives. Looking back on a conversation with Pastor Robbie, I remember having a deep heart-to-heart with him about all this when he smiled at me and retorted with, "Ray... 'No Mind'" Of course my first reaction was something to the degree of, "Yeah, okay, but..." and as I thought of it further I realized how true that statement was. How far too often I "over-think" what is to come, spending more time worrying or searching, then praying and waiting. How foolish I am. Since being out here the Holy Spirit has taught us so much, and one lesson reoccurring constantly is one of FAITH and PATIENCE. I truly need more of these two things...

1 comment:

  1. As always you have brought your experiences and thoughts to us. The Lord has you in his hands so you are now fulfilling your destiny. You will continue to do God's work and live your destiny every day. You are God's warrior and you are his good and faithful servant.
