Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Caterpillars from Hell

Oh man, I have to write this down before I forget, but last night just as we were winding down for sleep Nathan saw something in his net. The power was out and he didn't have a flashlight so he asked me to come over and shine my light on his net so he could make sure it was nothing. I walked on over, turned on the light, and to our surprise crawling on the inside of his mosquito net--right next to his pillow--was the furry red caterpillar I saw in my bed the night prior. Nathan had teased me for not killing mine and merely shaking it off in my room. But now that he was suspicious of the same survivor now crawling in his bed he was pissed, lol. After further examination I told Nathan that I wasn't so sure it was the same one. Mine was a little bigger and furry-er. Nathan didn't want to agree necessarily cause that would mean there was more than one of these "demon caterpillars" in our rooms. A feeling that did not bode well with either of us... Nathan quickly killed his furry interloper and continued with a thorough check of his bed and sheets, all the while joking that if he were to find one more he was seriously going to share my bed that night, lol. Well, to his horror, he did find more--2 in fact. One was nestled comfortably in his blankets while the third tried to make a get-away under his bed frame. Nathan was shaken up for sure. Needless to say I took the same mission with my sheets and found nothing, praise the Lord. I don't know what it is about Nathan but trouble seems to follow him, haha. He decided to sleep in his bed anyways (what a man!) and asked me to pray for the night because psychologically he was feeling a crawling sensation all over his body from the thought of all the caterpillars he found. We slept with the door separating our rooms wide open that night, lest Nathan be consumed by the vicious beasts while we slumbered. What a night!

On a side note, later that week we discovered through numerous Kenyans that those exact caterpillars are quite painful. Though not extremely dangerous, they are notorious for pricking people with their sharp, furry hairs, causing an intense itching sensation that is very hard to negate. They also bite AND pinch with their pincer-like rear ends cause notable pain and lasting discomfort. Once we heard this, Nathan was even MORE upset that I didn't kill the one I found in my bed claiming it SOMEHOW had SOMETHING to do with his particular invasion the night to follow, lol. What can I say, TIA = This Is Africa...

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