Friday, April 16, 2010

When Satan Attacks

It has been a hard first three weeks--joyous, adventurous, and spirit-led--but still hard. About a week ago, during a casual and routine check on the church Pastor Robbie noticed there was something very wrong. We arrived at the gate and the tenant/groundskeeper didn't come to the gate. We honked and called but no reply. Robbie asked me to scout the premises so I climbed the wall and slipped through the electric wiring, which was thankfully off at the time (praise the Father, lol), and continued to walk about the premises. I had only been to church a couple times prior and did not know what to look for, and yet I too began to feel that something was different. Robbie asked me to check certain doors and peer through specific windows and I could never see any movement. I called out for the groundskeeper a few times but heard nothing. "What happened here?" I thought to myself. Robbie then asked me to check if the refrigerator was still there. I looked through the window he instructed me to look through but because of the angle and my unfamiliarity of the room, it was very hard for me to give a clear answer. The chickens were there, certain key things were still around, but there was still something very eerie about the environment. I began to check ALL the doors and windows one more time when I came upon a door that was open. It was the tenants living quarters. With a quick jolt the door came open and with it the smell of musty water and mud. Like something out of a crime investigation TV show I slowly opened the door and peered around every corner. I stepped in very cautiously, not knowing what I might find. It was dark and dank. I instantly noticed a smell, but could hardly pin-point anything particular. Between an unflushed toilet, unwashed dishes, and muddy footsteps leading into the room, it was impossible to figure out. The desk was musty and unkempt. The shelves and drawers messy, with seemingly random belongings tossed haphazardly within them. The mattress Robbie asked me to look for was missing, leaving a wooden skeleton behind. I reached for the pillow laying on the bare wood and it was soddy and old in texture. There was such an intense eeriness about the room as I imagined the tenant laying his head on that pillow and working on the cluttered desk. But as I stepped back to view it all, with the few mosquitoes and flies wizzing about, I thought to myself, "How can someone live like this..."

I returned to Robbie and Nathan who remained at the gate. I told him of my findings and it clearly irked him. During all this time Robbie had left and returned with someone to hammer away at the lock we had on the gate. Once Robbie was in we opened as many doors as we could and more evidence arose. The main room where we have our Inductive Bible Study class was almost empty. A thin mattress that once covered a futon-like couch was now gone. A few chairs and mini-tables, and even the clock on the wall was gone. Down the middle of the room was a distinct trail of muddy footprints leading to a door. It was the kitchen. There was an emotion of reluctance to even open it, but once we did it only took a moment to realize the expensive refrigerator was gone, as well as a number of nice dishes, cutlery and various other kitchen utensils used for ministry. We continued our examination to the back of the church where the chickens were. Pastor Robbie took a look around and instantly noticed a problem. Some of the chicken were missing. And of the 30+ eggs, there were now only a handful. We returned back to the front of the church and opened a large storage unit attached to the groundskeeper's room. Robbie stepped in and put his hands on his hips in disappointment. A number of the churches congregational seating chairs were gone. Only a few of the large quantity remained. After weighing all the evidence it became clear. As painful as it was to accept, the tenant (a trusted and well-loved brother of the church for over 2 years) must of had something to do with it... There was no breaking and entering. Everything was closed and locked up nicely when we first arrived (aside from his room), even the water had been turned off and on top of everything missing, the tenant was one of them... We were hit hard that day.

I was so powerfully moved by Pastor Robbie's maturity and cool-headed persona. It was more than clear that we was bothered, but not infuriated or even angry for that matter. If anything, it was clear he was harboring a broken heart. As expressed to us himself, it had so little to do with what taken. It was the heart of the matter, the person who "might" (as he so often was careful and loving to say) have been involved that hurt him the most. A friend and congregant. A beloved brother. It was clear here that Satan's most painful attacks come from within, from amongst the body. He has learned that oppression doesn't work. He has seen in history time and time again that attempting to "destroy" the church from outside forces only strengthens and sharpens the brethren... but a Judas within the ranks. What a sharp stab that can be... Please pray for the Holy Spirit's leading and guardianship of the church. Pray for loving-kindness and forgiveness to flourish among the church members towards our fallen brother. Pray for repentance, restoration, and redemption of the tenant. Pray for our Father's guidance and leading of the events to come. Pray for strength and endurance for our Pastor Robbie during such a trying endeavor. Please pray for everything.

As a short praise report--being as this is not completely up-to-date and happened about a week ago--the Lord has already begun to move within the church for drastic change. Our Father in His goodness has put it upon Pastor Robbie to make certain variations and has given him complete peace about them. Though it was a painful blow the church is quickly recovering over the temporal materials stolen. Please continue to pray for everything above, along with the praise and worship of our Lord for His quick and speedy work within the body concerning healing and regrowth. Thanks again everybody!


  1. Wow. I will be praying for all of you.

    BTW--*YOU* need to think about becoming a writer young man!

    Stay safe. And we love you.
    ~DeeDee Wak~

  2. Rainier....that was like reading a Hardy Boys Mystery.....praying for you as always...Thank you for sharing...Your such an amazing writer...xoxoxo

  3. I have been reading your blog to everyone. They are amazed that yu are so talented. Your Dad says he is soo proud. He misses you so much and he loves you sooo much. I pray for you always and so does all your family and friends.

  4. I love you Rainier...and though this blog saddened me,I am joyous to know that the church is recovering and God is truly doing a work in and through all of you. I miss you. You are all in my prayers. <3

  5. I look forward to the blogs from both of you
