Saturday, April 3, 2010

Kenya Here We Come!

Tomorrow will officially mark our first week here in Kenya, and what a week it has been. Already it has felt like an eternity. We have seen things that have struck our hearts with sadness, and made us laugh with joy. There are so many people here living with nothing, yet a simple hand wave and hello always brings a large smile to there face. Staying here with Robbie Gordon has been a blast. He lives on the outskirts of Nairobi in the sticks, right alongside the "Game Park" filled with every kind of African wildlife you can think of. Just driving home every night is an adventure. When you roll down you window you are almost deafened by the symphony of hundreds of frogs and insects. Robbie's front yard directly overlooks the vast plains and hills of the Animal Reserve and with the naked eye you can see numerous species of animals. There is nothing like waking up for morning devotions, pouring a cup of cereal, and lifting your eyes to see a pack of gazelle in the distance--feet away from them a mother rhino and her baby--and a troop of baboon searching for food. It's amazing! The very first night we arrived we heard hyena calls in the night darkness. We stepped onto the porch and shined his 5 million candle-light powered spotlight and saw pairs of golden hyena-eye reflections in the distance. I had never been so happy for a thin electric fence in all my life, haha. The Lord is already doing mighty things within the calm of our hearts. The quiet times and personal prayer times are beyond words out here. Having the time to wake up when you want, spend one-on-one time with the creator of such a vast, beautiful, and dangerous world, and serve amongst a people who need Him so desperately is like nothing I have ever experienced. Please continue to pray for the indwelling and overflow of the Holy Spirit. We have been so amazed at his leading hand in such a short period of time. I love and miss you all so dearly.


  1. Thanks for the update. May the Lord bless those you meet as well as bless you through meeting them.

  2. Good to hear from you!!! Praying for you!

  3. Awwweeessooommmee!!!! Haha. I'll have to print out all your blogs for the family so they can feel like they're close to you. :) I'm so jealous of you and your animal experience. Jake and I recently went to the San Diego Zoo and half the animal were sleeping...including the Rhinos. And they didn't even have Hyenas! Not that I'm a big fan of Hyenas anyways. Let me know when you see some BIG CATS like DUMA! Haha. I love you big brother. My love and prayers go out to you. :) Keep blogging and the family will keep reading. <3 xoxoxo

  4. Happy Easter!o my goodness one whole week! im so happy your doing this blog and that your having such a blessed time!


  6. That sounds soooo amazing!! I'm so happy for you! :)
    Praying! :)

  7. You and Nathan are experiencing a life-changing adventure in Christ and doing soooo good for the children and people around you. Stay safe from the mozzies and we will keep all of you in our prayers. Susan & Steve Your grandma Diane is so proud of you. bye 4 now
