Friday, April 30, 2010

Church Relocation Project - Take 1

As you know from Nathan's last post, the Spirit has led Pastor Robbie to move Living Water Christian Fellowship. We have begun the large task of changing locations to the nearby Nairobi Youth Hostel. It had been a previous location of Living Water years ago and because of a movement of the Lord, the owner's heart was overjoyed to receive the church back in spite of their fairly new "no church" policy. The location is prime, the rent substantially lower, the resources limitless, and yet all of these blessings and more may never have fallen into place had not the church been robbed and the emotions and events which followed. Is not our Lord amazing?! Since being out here I have been speechless over the Word of God coming alive before my eyes, specifically the verse, "For all things work out for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose." Our preparations have included so much, but much of it began with our need to dismantle the tent our church service was held under. As you saw from one of Nathan's pictures it was quite the task and required nearly the entire congregation. Once it was down we loaded it into the car. Most of the poles felt nearly 85 pounds, some even more! Needless to say Pastor Robbie's large and durable land cruiser felt slightly lower once all of them were tightly loaded. We crammed the car with a few other remnant articles "barely" and to top it off tossed the baptismal pool as the pinnacle. It looked like the ultimate reject top-hat, lol. Because we had nothing to tie it down with Nathan and I had to hold onto it for the entire car ride.

There were definitely a few turns and abrupt traffic-induced stops that nearly lost it for us. I eventually had to stand up in the car and constantly hold the back rim while facing backwards thus having the joyous privilege of staring at passer-byes and drivers behind us. I must say, out of the many weird things Kenyans have seen on the road, a Mzungo (foreigner/non-African, aka WHITE) standing backwards in a roofless land cruiser, gripping a giant, bucket-like tub was definitely a first. We got home with no problems aside from sore arms and fingers that felt like they were ripping from the joints and we then prepared for babysitting at Jonathan's (Pastor Robbie's Assistant Pastor). Jonathan had planned a special "date night" with his wife Adrian so we got to have fun hanging out with his two sons Josiah age 4 and Christopher age 2. I had completely forgotten how exhausting watching two kids of that age all night is. I would swear children run on nuclear power cells sometimes, lol. Not to mention our church tear-down earlier that day, so we were WIPED. That night I don't think I slept. I'm pretty sure I was more or less in a coma. It would have take a cataclysmic event beyond reckoning to wake me up that night--that or too much water before bed. All in a hard days work. Little did we know what would come next.

1 comment:

  1. lOl....I so WISH I could have seen that! Haha....too bad it's illegal over here in Cali for us to stick our heads out of the roof windows in cars. I'm sooo jealous!!! Not of the soreness of course. :) But I love reading your posts Rainier...and so does the ENTIRE family. Even grandma and grandpa pizza and raving about you! We all love you.
